Nancy Bailey Miller
Nancy Bailey Miller has published six books of poetry and one of prose, most recently, Tacking Lessons (The Cheshire Press, 2016), and previously: Hold On, Risking Rallentando, Dance Me Along the Path, Of Minitmen & Molly’s, Before the Dove Returns: A Gallery of Portrait Poems, Making Strawberry Pies and Risking Rallentando. Anthologized in Our Mothers, Our Selves, Merrimack Literary Review July 2004, Landscapes and Legends: Poems for the Andovers, The 2010 Poets’ Guide to New Hampshire, and the Powow River Anthology, Nancy's poetry has also appeared in many journals including Rattapallax, Mediphors, Blue Unicorn and Fine Lines. Nancy taught creative writing at Phillips Academy Summer Session for ten years, and currently teaches a writing class at the North Reading Senior Center.
Tacking Lessons (The Cheshire Press, 2016)
Hold On (The Cheshire Press, 2011)
Risking Rallentando (Fermata Books, 2008)
Making Strawberry Pies (Fermata Books, 2008)
Before the Dove Returns: A Gallery of Portrait Poems (Strathmoor Books, 2004)
Of Minitmen & Molly’s (Strathmoor Books, 2002)
Dance Me Along the Path (Strathmoor Books, 1997)
The Powow River Poets Anthology II (Able Muse Press, 2021)
Poetry Online
"Taking Chances on a Triolet" on Poetry Porch
The Poetry Porch: Sonnet Scroll
Lawrence Eagle-Tribune Poetry Contest First Place Winner, April 2006
Lawrence Eagle-Tribune Poetry Contest, third place, April 2002
Lawrence Eagle-Tribune Poetry Contest Third Place Winner, April 2000