MFrostDelaney is a bean counter by trade, a tree hugger in heart and a recovering soul, practicing life in New England. A member of the Powow River Poets, her poems appear regularly in Quill & Parchment, has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She has contributed poetry to HerStory 2021, has poems in the Powow River Poets Anthology II and Extreme Sonnets II, and displayed a poem at New Beginnings – Poetry on Canvas, Peabody Art Association 2022.
Photo Credit: Martha Delaney
Extreme Sonnets II (Rhizome Press, 2022) editor Beth Houston The Powow River Poets Anthology II (Able Muse Press, 2021)
Poetry Online
“A Spirit Comes” Quill & Parchment, March 2023 “The Sower’s Lament” Quill & Parchment, October 2022 “Taos Sky” Quill & Parchment, July 2022 “Walk in Beauty” Quill & Parchment , December 2021 “Two Women” Quill & Parchment, February 2021
Pushcart Prize nomination