Meredith Bergmann
Meredith Bergmann is a sculptor. Her public monuments can be seen in Boston and New York. Her publications include Barrow Street, Contemporary Poetry Review, Hopkins Review, Hudson Review, Light, Mezzo Cammin, The New Criterion, The Raintown Review, TriQuarterly Review and the anthologies Hot Sonnets, Love Affairs at the Villa Nelle, and Alongside We Travel: Contemporary Poets on Autism. She was poetry editor of American Arts Quarterly from 2006-2017. Her chapbook A Special Education was published in 2014 by EXOT Books.
Author Site:
Photo Credit: Grace Roselli, Pandora's BoxX Project
A Special Education (EXOT Books, 2014)
Poems Online
“The Stick of Gum” and “Skylark,” Mezzo Cammin
“On the Merritt,” Light
“Nursery Rhyme,” Women’s Voice for Change
“Gardening at Night,” Umbrella Journal
“Promise,” “Falling Asleep at Nine,” “Catching Birds” and “Song,” Peacock Journal
“Sculpting in Time,” “Lesson” and “The Jade Tree,” Life and Legends
The Powow River Poets Anthology II (Able Muse Press, 2021)
Alongside We Travel: Contemporary Poets on Autism
(New York Quarterly Books, 2019)
Love Affairs at the Villa Nelle (Kelsay Books, 2018)
Hot Sonnets (Entasis Press, 2011)
Poetry Editor, American Arts Quarterly: 2006-2017.
Readings and Discussions
A Special Education Book Launch: Intro (Daniel and Michael Bergmann), Intro (R. Nemo Hill), Part I, Part II
AP Segment: “Sculptor of first women’s statue in Central Park”
“On Close Reading Chance Poems”: ModPo LiveStream
Primary Source on the Boston Women’s Memorial (designed by Meredith Bergmann)