Daniel Brown
Daniel Brown was born and raised in and about New York City. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Parnassus Review, PN Review, Raritan, Parnassus, The New Criterion, and other journals, as well as a number of anthologies including Poetry 180 (ed. Billy Collins) and The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets (ed. David Yezzi). His work has been awarded a Pushcart prize, and his collection Taking the Occasion (Ivan R. Dee, 2008) won the New Criterion Poetry Prize. Brown's latest collection is What More? (Orchises Press, 2015). A critical book, Subjects in Poetry, was published by the LSU Press in 2021. His Why Bach? and Bach, Beethoven, Bartok are audio-visual ebooks available at Amazon.com.
Author Site: https://danielbrownpoet.com Photo Credit: Ellen Frieder
Taking the Occasion (Ivan R. Dee, 2008), winner of The New Criterion Poetry Prize What More? (Orchises Press, 2015) Subjects in Poetry (Louisiana State University, 2021) Why Bach? (Crosstown Books), Kindle ebook Bach, Beethoven, Bartok , Kindle ebook
Poems Online
"Missing It" "Christ Crowned with Thorns" "Sustenance"
Poetry 180 (ed. Billy Collins) Random House, 2003 The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets (ed. David Yezzi) Swallow Press, 2009
Pushcart Prize New Criterion Poetry Prize