Anne Mulvey
Anne Mulvey has been a member of the Powow River Poets since 1994. Anne began writing poetry in response to her brother Michael’s death. Her poems have been published in Abafazi, The Community Psychologist, The Hermit’s Peak Gazette, The Offering and The Undertoad. Certified as an Amherst Writers and Artists Workshop Leader, Anne leads creative writing workshops and co-facilitates (with Priscilla Bellairs) a memoir group. Anne is a Professor Emerita at UMass Lowell where she taught community psychology and women’s studies integrating creative writing and public art into campus and community projects.
The Powow River Poets Anthology II (Able Muse Press, 2021)
Newburyport Art Association Poetry Contest, Honorable Mention: 1997, 1998
Haiku selected for “New England Haiku” by Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord, exhibited in Words of New England: A Masscribes Exhibition at Moakley Courthouse, Boston, 2018
Poem selected to be adapted for Performing Motherhood: A dramatic feast. Women’s Studies Research Center and Theatre Department, Brandeis University, 2005.
Co-edited (with Jeri Kroll) the Powow River Poets first (and only) Poetry Calendar and Poetry Treasure Hunt, 1999.