Andrew Szilvasy
Andrew Szilvasy lives in Boston and teaches literature outside the city. Besides writing poetry, he is an avid runner and beer brewer/drinker. Also, he once ate an entire wheel of brie by himself.
Andrew’s poems appear or are forthcoming in CutBank, Barrow Street, Smartish Pace, Tar River Poetry, The American Journal of Poetry, and RHINO, among others. His poem “Sestina” was a finalist for the Erskine J. Prize from Smartish Pace.
Twitter: @AndrewSzilvasy
Instagram: @AndrewSzilvasy
Witness Marks (Finishing Line Press, 2020)
Poetry Online
“Paradise Lofts,” Wine Cellar Press
“Outcropping,” Innisfree Poetry Journal
”Owl-Stretching Time,” Barren
“Whirlwind,” American Journal of Poetry
“Sestina,” Smartish Pace
“The Dog in This is You,” “Two Roads,” and “Epistle,” Alabama Literary Review
“Beyond All Change,” “Mysteries,” “Tourist in Amsterdam,” and “The Pianist Plays Parcheesi,” Loch Raven Review
“Snake Lips,” Dunes Review
The Powow River Poets Anthology II (Able Muse Press, 2021)
Love Affairs at the Villa Nelle (Kelsay Books, 2018)
Erskine J. Poetry Prize, Runner Up: 2017