A.M. Juster
A.M. Juster is the author of ten books of original and translated poetry. His most recent is Wonder and Wrath (Paul Dry Books, 2020). His previously published books include: Longing for Laura, The Secret Language of Women (University of Evansville Press, 2003), The Satires of Horace (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008), Tibullus’ Elegies (Oxford University Press, 2012), Saint Aldhelm’s Riddles (University of Toronto Press, 2015), Sleaze & Slander: Selected Comic Verse 1995-2015 (Measure Press, 2016), The Billy Collins Experience (Kelsay Books, 2016), The Elegies of Maximianus (University of Pennsylvania Press 2018), and John Milton’s The Book of Elegies (Paideia Institute Press 2019). His work has appeared in Poetry, Paris Review, Hudson Review, Rattle, The New Criterion, Southwest Review, Barrow Street, North American Review and many other publications.
Rachel Hadas selected his The Secret Language of Women for the 2002 Richard Wilbur Award. He is the only three-time winner of the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award and is a winner of the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize.
A resentful graduate of Yale and Harvard with two honorary degrees, he lives in quiet obscurity outside of Boston. He has also won the Alzheimer’s Association’s Humanitarian of the Year Award, the National Alliance for Hispanic Health’s VIDA Award, The ARC’s President Award, the National Organization for Rare Disorder’s Public Health Award, and the Rare Disease Legislative Advocates’ Rare Voice Award.
Author Site: https://www.amjuster.net
Twitter: @amjuster
Wonder and Wrath (Paul Dry Books, 2020)
John Milton's the Book of Elegies (Paideia Institute Press, 2019)
The Elegies of Maximianus (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018)
The Billy Collins Experience (Kelsay Books, 2016)
Sleaze & Slander: Selected Comic Verse 1995-2015 (Measure Press, 2016)
Saint Aldelm’s Riddles (University of Toronto Press, 2015)
Elegies, Tibullus (Oxford University Press, 2012)
The Satires of Horace (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008)
The Secret Language of Women (Evansville Press, 2003)
Longing for Laura (Birch Book Press, 2001)
Poetry Online
“The Queen Ponders Her Laureate Choice,” Rattle: Poets Respond
“Heirloom,” Rattle
“John Hollander’s Bastard Children,” Light
“Sudden Onset,” Queen Mob’s Teahouse
“Triptych: Dream, Convenience Store, Bar,” Rattle
“East African Proverbs,” Poetry
“Ballade of Bad Sandwiches,” Light
“Insider Advice to Princess Charlotte,” Light
“Candid Email to the Librarian of Congress,” Light
“November Requiem,” America
“Concession to my Colleague,” Light
“To my dear friend M. J. Jackson, a disparager of this treatise,” The New Criterion
from Book II, Satire VI, The New Criterion
“Hardy Bird,” Verse Daily
The Powow River Poets Anthology II (Able Muse Press, 2021)
“Marilyn Hacker: Rebel Traditionalist,” Los Angeles Review of Books
“So Then Assemble Me: On Dana Greene’s ‘Elizabeth Jennings: “The Inward War,”’” Los Angeles Review of Books
“Homage, Not Larceny: On Nicholas Friedman’s ‘Petty Theft,’” Los Angeles Review of Books
“‘Anecdotal Evidence’ in the Case of Wendy Cope,” Los Angeles Review of Books
“‘Casey at the Bat’ and its Long Post-Game Show,” Light
Willis Barnstone Translation Prize: 2014
VIDA National Hispanic Health Leadership Award: 2013
The ARC’s President Award: 2012
Rare Disease Legislative Advocates’ Rare Voice Award: 2012
Alzheimer's Association Humanitarian Award: 2010
Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award: 1995, 2000, 2007
Richard Wilbur Award: 2002
Readings and Lectures
Newburyport Literary Festival, 2017
St. Aldhelm’s Riddles, 2016
Works About A.M. Juster
“Regard the Scuttlebutt as True,” Paul Mariani, First Things, 2010